b"526(6 *251(5*5$7 M2817$1 5$/:$, '$ \x19ROSES, CATALAN COAST AND TRAINS OF THE PYRENEES8ncovering the hidden gems of one of 6pains fi nest regions, on this escape to the &atalan coast we taNe a wonderful railway Mourney into the Pyrenees, venture to the vibrant city of *irona and visit the birthplace of iconic surrealist painter, 6alvador 'al.THE LITTLE YELLOW TRAIN OF THE PYRENEES 7+( /77/( (//2: 75$1 2) 7+( P5(1((6, '$ \x167he /ittle ellow 7rain of the Pyrenees, or /e Petit 7rain -aune as its Nnown locally, maNes the spectacular Mourney from 9illefranche de &onfl ent to )ont 5omeu on a route as famous for its engineering prowess as its stunning natural beauty. Painted in a cheery bright yellow thats instantly recognisable as it trundles through the green countryside, the /ittle ellow 7rain crosses suspension bridges, burrowing under hills and tunnels on its merry way travelling west towards the 6panish border. 6ome of the carriages are open\x10air, providing a uniTue viewpoint overlooNing the scenery of the Pyrenees mountains.66 6P$1 $1' P2578*$/"